July 26, 2011

It is Complicated!

The mixed feeling is killing me and I just couldn't understand WHY...

Life do gets complicated as you move on, especially when dealing with people. Still remember what I wrote in the previous blogpost Value People, everyone is different, and none of us is perfect. It is a big theory to learn to deal with different type of people, and for me sometimes I will just filter and ignore. Selective hearing is the easiest way to keep myself comfortable, yet things will just pass by your ears.

One of my colleague had just left me today again... yes, again! I know sometimes I'm too emotional cause I've been putting so much emotional senses in my working place, but I just can't help. I was telling one of my guy friend saying that: 
"how good is it to be a guy, at least they are not so emo like girl..."  
"Ya, you can be like a guy too... don't be so emotional at work..." he replied.

Aiks... If only I can really do so lor @.@ I think girls are born to be like this right? Though, life moves on! 

I appreciate this colleague a.k.a friend who really trust me and quoting me as equally important to her other best friend. I'm honored and blessed. I appreciate those times that we spend together, the moment we share life and how she cheer me up when I'm down.

The complicated feeling is not because of the leaving, but it's because of some other issues which I cannot go public. I'm learning to sort out the emotion feeling, learning to be a little bit stronger, learning to let go, learning... to filter the unnecessary.

5 more days to August, I just need to learn  M O R E...

July 25, 2011

Reflecting Life

It was a random Sunday morning as I ponder about this... 

There are too many things happen these days and I can hardly handle it anymore. Things come like a wave, one after another. You wouldn't know your confidence level and self-esteem until someone challenge it, and I've experience it. It is not easy, hard feeling and help-less.

I mumble, I complaint, I tell my friends. Reflecting things that happen in my life these days, I'm amazed by myself. I mean my tolerance level, my patience and how cool I can be. I wonder since when I've become such a person. My friend said I got patience like an angel. I question! Reflecting who I used to be and who I am today, I'm thankful that people and environment around me had shaped me to be a better person. All I need to do, is to be a little bit more stronger...

Perspective different. Mindset different. There's nothing I can do about it. Quoting a tweet from a friend:

"What you cannot accept, you must change. What you cannot change, you must accept."

I am learning not to make things complicated. Put a smile on a face, and choose to let go!  Saying is always easy, action needs a little bit courage. Just be kind to others. Just when I tweeted this, and I found this article by Niki Cheong.

May I encourage you to do so?
Be Kind to Others!

July 2, 2011

#Sharing: Do it Anyway

It's July!! 6 more months to go until 2012. Are you still moving towards the direction which you had set in your 2011 new year resolution? Perhaps :)

Well, I saw one of my friend sharing this on facebook... which kind of encouraging me in this season of life. It's written by Mother Teresa (obviously we're sharing the same name), and I shall share it here as we start the second half of 2011. 

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; 
Forgive them anyway. 

If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; 
Be Kind anyway. 

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; 
Succeed anyway. 

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; 
Be honest and frank anyway. 

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; 
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; 
Be happy anyway. 

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; 
Do good anyway. 

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; 
Give the world the best you've got anyway. 

You see, in the final analysis. it is between you and God; 
It is never between you and them anyway. 

May the second half of 2011 even greater for you. 
Share love . Share Joy


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