I'm a little bit depress these days when I look at my bank account figure. It's quite saddening when you read the below article from facebook. I'm not sure whether it's our standard of living increase or our currency value drop. Either of that reason had made us suffer.
It is definitely not wrong for youngsters to look for better opportunities to earn more + save more. Earning is not enough, saving is much more important! And the key question will always be : how to save when we do not have enough to spend? This will probably the main challenge when we need to S A V E.
As for myself, I will force myself to save every month no matter what. [Allocate the amount of money and transfer it to a separate account and make sure I don't touch it] is the way I control myself. This step works... for me!
But... let's do some calculations.
Assume we save RM 500per month x 12 = RM 6,000.00
Then, to buy a house [Based on the housing chart above, a single-storey terrace house is RM 300,000 - RM 400,000 (hardly ever built now)], we will need to pay at least 20% which equal to RM 60,000 as first payment.
So for a fresh graduate who can save RM 500 per month will need to save up to 10 years to afford a RM 300,000 house (which might be no longer valid after 10 years) based on the fluctuation that we currently have. Don't you think it is quite sad? Well, there's an article claimed that Malaysian average salary is RM 7,000 per month, and I definitely falls out of this average circle.
Buying a house is just an example.
How about a better living, maybe to pay for a family trip?
Maybe to sponsor more child via World Vision?
I ponder...seriously...what can I do?
Is this a personal problem?
Or... we are sinking?
Or... we are sinking?
Well, my conclusion is still a [question mark]...